Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is HOV. Just joking! It's Meg

Hello out there. I'm back! For those of you confused why you are looking at a new blog, let me fill you in. Last Thursday I woke up to find that my blog was gone at Sunshinemeg.com. I went to log in and it said the blog had been removed. The same blog that I've logged on and wrote on for 6 years. 6 years! I've tried emailing Google, I've tried most all of the customer support numbers I can find online and I have no idea why it was taken away? I've had friends that work for Google try to help me with no luck. I've been a bit devastated.That blog was filled with memories from college, my wedding, the birth of my child, and those everyday moments that make life extraordinary. For those of you out there that are Bloggers, you understand my distress. Float On... had provided a comfort for me in knowing that I had the ability to capture every memory. There is also the fact that when you live far away from family, a blog is a great way to keep everyone up to speed!
After feeling sorry for myself for the past few days, I decided it was time to move on. So here we are. I still have some kinks to work out. I own sunshinemeg.com through Go Daddy, so the web address may change. The design of the blog may be changing. It's all going to be a work in progress. Just what we all need! More stupid change! Stick me with though - it's a fresh start. These pages will soon be filled up with some fun-filled schenanigans! Yee haw!
Since we are pretending that this is all brand new, I wanted you to offically "meet" me. Hi! I'm Meg. Nice to meet YOU!
I grew up in East Tennessee in a town so small, it's probably not on any map. Ha! It was a nice place to grow up I suppose, but after high school I was ready to get out! The University of Cincinnati was calling! I'd be lying if I said that I had planned it to work that way, but I'm so glad it did. I met my husband when he was an 18-year-old punk and made some lifelong friends. I spent 5 wonderful years there and enjoyed every minute (except the studying, finals, and research papers!)
I not only found my Greg, I also found my love of communication which could have a direct correlation as to why this blog continues or why I like to talk so much. Hmm?
After college, we packed up and hit the road. Our destination? Baltimore! I wasn't too keen on the idea at the time, but I have sense fallen hard for this city and couldn't imagine myself anywhere else. They say home is where your heart is and my heart is certainly here.
I play recreational co-ed football and softball with the Baltimore Sports and Social Club! I can trash talk better than most! What? Isn't that a trait one should be proud of? Now that I've shared my talent of trash talking, I should add that I am trying to clean up my potty mouth because I have a child! My husband Greg and I welcomed our magnificent baby girl Charleigh on Janauary 23rd, 2012!
Being a parent has been rewarding, yet challenging. I would certainly not say that I've been a natural at it, but luckily for me, Greg and Charleigh have been more then patient.
I've been know to karaoke. Let's just say I make "Proud Mary" a little prouder. Eat it Tina Turner! Tina Turner, if you're reading, just joking. I love you, but what's love got to do with it?
I'm classy/patriotic in the sense that I wear sparkly sequined USA vests and top hats. Who doesn't? Don't you judge me ; )
Around these here parts of the internet some may call me Sunshinemeg. Why's that? I don't know. I have a sunshine tattoo on my wrist. It is the only tattoo I have that I like. (I have 3...) I have since learned that tattoos are permanent. Sigh. I dread the day my daughter asks me about tattoos. Do they make parenting books about that? I suppose I should look up the chapter, "Mama was young and dumb once. Can you just be young and smart?"
So that's it for now. I'm back. I'm blogging. I'm floating on... 


  1. How the hell did your blog just disappear?! I am seriously upset for you!! I know you're moving on though so I'll move right along with ya ;) Glad you're up and running again with your new blog! I'll need this chapter too one day for sure: "Mama was young and dumb once. Can you just be young and smart?"
