Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow day and a trip to Missouri (if the snow allows it!)

Hi there! Y'all came back. Awesome. I'm very glad. Happy Wednesday to you. Sorry, but I have to say it out loud, I miss my old blog. I feel like I am cheating on it. This space doesn't feel like mine yet. Sunshinemeg was a great place to be. Floating Sunshine is... well... I don't know yet. I suppose time will tell.
Currently, here in Baltimore, I am listening to Charleigh play and peeking out my window at the snow coming down. The snow started last night and has really started to pick up. We are looking at 7 - 10 inches today and thanks to Charleigh's daycare closing, it's a good old fashion snow day! Greg had a meeting at 8am. His boss with a big 4-wheel drive car picked him up and will drop him off once it is over, so he will be home safe with us all day! I already had Thursday and Friday off to go visit my grandparents in Missouri, so this was the shortest work week ever. We have our fingers crossed that by tomorrow morning the snow has been cleared and our plane can take off.

This will be Charleigh's 6th time flying (Belgium, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Cincinnati, Chicago, and now St. Louis!) in her short 13 months. She is a trooper on the plane and we should manage just fine. I'm loaded with snacks and toys for all occasions where back up is needed! The fact that Greg will be traveling with me this time and he won't be on crutches is a huge relief!
Let me tell you about my grandparents. They are my father's parents. I have no communication with my father, but his parents are nice. They are simple folks who live in rural Jefferson City, Missouri. When I say rural, I mean they have their neighbors cows roaming around their backyard. They've been married for over 55 years! (The picture of my Grandmother and I is from my brother's wedding last November. I was 8 months pregnant! Oy!)
My grandpa (far right in picture above) has pretty bad arthritis and really can't walk, although he tries to take a step here and there. He doesn't like wheelchairs (his pride gets in the way) so we mostly just spend time at their house. This time will be the first time I am bringing my daughter. She will be meeting her great grandparents for the first time! I'm excited for this moment. My brother Zach is also flying in Saturday morning to spend one day with all of us. He will fly back home to California on Sunday.

When Zach and I were growing up we used to go out to Missouri for one week every summer. Our uncle Gary would come all the way to Tennessee to get us and drive us to Missouri sans parents. We thought it was glorious! We'd always stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch and he would buy us all the rock candy our little hearts desired! Those weeks spent in Missouri over the years are becoming a distant memory. It will be nice to spend time there together again. 

I'll take lots of pictures! Float on..


  1. It's so nice to have you back!!! Have a wonderful trip!!!!:) love ya friend!

  2. Ooooh, how I wish I could make it out there too!! Give a big hug to everyone for me (including your poo-poo butt brother!)
