Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Spelling isn't my strong suit.

I had insomnia last night. That happens to me maybe once a year. I was up in the wee hours watching Friends re-runs. That was a great show. I had to hit the gym right away today because I may or may not have eaten a stupid brownie at 3am. Who does that? (The answer is a fat kid)
It's the 20th anniversary of one of the best movies of all time, The Sandlot. Look at the cast above. Is it just me, or do they look identical to themselves as kids? The red haired kid in particular. I need to watch this movie again now. Look at Squints! I wonder if he ever married Wendy Peffercorn?
Is "imparticular" a word? Spellcheck is telling me no, but I could have sworn that what I should have said above instead of "in particular?" This is why I was always out in the first round of the spelling bee in grade school.

Bad spellers unight! (See what I did there?) Ha! Float on...