Friday, November 14, 2014

5 Years

I get to celebrate 5 years of marriage today. How about that? I can still remember details of that day perfectly and how it was the most beautiful day in November you’ve ever seen. Greg and I make a good team. He’s the cutest boy I’ve ever met and one of the funniest. He is that kind of funny where he just is funny without trying. Although sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out... I’m sure he would say the same about yours truly : )

My mom called me yesterday while I was at work. She said I'll see you, Greg, and Charleigh tomrrow... I was so confused. She said "Oh, Rod and I are coming tomorrow. We thought you might need a free babysitter!" So we just got the biggest surprise ever. It's completely out of the blue and shocking because she lives about 500 miles away. She continues to be the best mom of all time. And Rod is pretty cool too!

So for this Thanksgiving season, I randomly volunteered to make a blueberry pie. Have I ever made a pie, any pie for that matter, in my life? Nope. My boss was telling me it was easy and you just pie a pre-made crust, grab some canned filling, yadda, yadda, yadda, but I'm not half assing this one. I am going to make crust from scratch. I've started hunting recipes for filling. It will be quit the adventure! We are having a "pie potluck" at my work.

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