Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hi friends. Happy Thursday. It's a good old fashion rainy day here. I dig it.

What's been up around here? Just the normal summer time fun! Charleigh's vocabulary has taken off and she is starting to talk a lot more. She also had her first all girl meltdown when her favorite pair of shoes didn't fit. Ha! She is an 18-month-old energizer bunny and it's a lot of fun. She's working on counting to 10, ABC's, and colors. Her daycare does a ton of teaching. She is happy when I drop her off and happy when I pick her up. That's a good feeling.

I'm actually leaving my current company after a year and a half between two agents and going back to my old company. The transition has been smooth and welcomed. I won't be working for my old boss, but instead a new boss at the old company. Did I lose you? 

Last night was taco night. I have been a vegetarian for over 3 years now and the only time I miss meat is taco night. However, last night, I made great strides in the vegetarian taco concoction dilemma. Black beans, FRESH Maryland sweet corn roasted with garlic salt, paprika, and pepper, Spanish rice, refried beans, and avocado. Like the picture above, only no sour cream. I am allergic to that.  People always seem curious about Greg and what he eats. Ladies and gentlemen, he's from Wisconsin, he's a meat and potato sort of guy. I make taco meat for him of course. I make meat for him all week, every week. I don't have any problem cooking it for him and now Charleigh too. It's just a personal choice for me.

Float on...


  1. Hahah love the first all girl meltdown! I would cry too! haha! So awesome, she is a little smarty pants! How fun!! :)
    Have a great first day!
    P.S. No I want Tacos!

  2. That's good that you won't be working for the old boss. Didn't he get really mean when you went to leave?
