Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy bracket day!

Hola friends. Glad you are here today. Happy bracket day! I've filled out 1 for work and 4 with friends/family members. I try not to pick the same everytime, but I have certain favorites. The work one is important for bragging rights and the winner gets $100! I picked Kansas to win it all. I have no idea why. Everyone is talking up Louisville. That's reason enough for me not to pick them.
We've got less than 3 hours until the madness begins! Wooo!

I woke up not 100% today. Got a wicked case of the chills and my muscles feel achy. Hoping it's nothing more that a quick case of the blahs!
Anywho, this will be our last weekend in our tiny little apartment. We move Easter weekend! Cardboard boxes and duct tape will be controlling our lives for the next week or so. Should be an adventure. We haven't moved in 4 years and I'm guessing we will find a bunch of junk to donate and get rid of. Talk about spring cleaning! This is perfect timing for a move.  

For all family and friends reading, can you believe that next month we might have a couch for you to sit on or perhaps an actual table to have dinner at? Moving on up!
Float on...

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