Charleigh Liana, you are 15 months! (Mama forgot to load these pictures and do this post for about 6 weeks... oops!)
You. Are. Fun!
Your vocabulary is starting to take off. You will repeat us if we tell you to say something, which can back fire on us. Sometimes when we tell you "no" you say no right back to us. Ha! Puppy, kitty, and baby are your top 3 vocabulary words. You learned to say, "thank you." When I give you a pancake in the morning or your milk, you now always say thank you. Love some good manners! Please keep that up for the rest of your life.
You've started to try new things when it comes to eating, but you certainly let us know when you don't like something. Spaghetti O's have come into play and you love the stuff.

You are doing gymnastics on Saturday afternoons. It's called Tumble Bees. Ha! It's mainly lots of running and playing on mats and going down the slide. You seem to enjoy having the freedom to roam around and do what you want. Who doesn't like that kind of freedom?!
You helped me celebrate my second Mother's Day with a wonderful note. The note just so happened to look a lot like your papa's handwriting ; ) We went to the park and spent the whole day together.
1 Month!
2 Months!
3 Months!
4 Months!
5 Months!
6 Months!
7 Months!
8 Months!
9 Months!
10 Months!
11 Months!
12 Months!
13 Months!
Float on my Charleigh girl...