Friday, May 31, 2013

Charleigh is 15 Months!

Charleigh Liana, you are 15 months! (Mama forgot to load these pictures and do this post for about 6 weeks... oops!) 
You. Are. Fun!
Your vocabulary is starting to take off. You will repeat us if we tell you to say something, which can back fire on us. Sometimes when we tell you "no" you say no right back to us. Ha! Puppy, kitty, and baby are your top 3 vocabulary words. You learned to say, "thank you." When I give you a pancake in the morning or your milk, you now always say thank you. Love some good manners! Please keep that up for the rest of your life.
 You've started to try new things when it comes to eating, but you certainly let us know when you don't like something. Spaghetti O's have come into play and you love the stuff.
You are doing gymnastics on Saturday afternoons. It's called Tumble Bees. Ha! It's mainly lots of running and playing on mats and going down the slide. You seem to enjoy having the freedom to roam around and do what you want. Who doesn't like that kind of freedom?! 
You helped me celebrate my second Mother's Day with a wonderful note. The note just so happened to look a lot like your papa's handwriting ; ) We went to the park and spent the whole day together.
 1 Month!
 2 Months!
 3 Months!
 4 Months!
 5 Months!
 6 Months!
 7 Months!
 8 Months!
9 Months!
 10 Months!
 11 Months!
 12 Months!
13 Months!
14 Months!
 15 Months!
Float on my Charleigh girl...

Dewey Beach!

Hola amigos and amigas! Happy Friday! We are going to the beach tomorrow. Another perk of Baltimore, besides that it is just awesome in general, is that we are close to the ocean!
It's less than 3 hours away. So we get up early Saturday morning and get to the beach before 10am. We have a hotel room for tomorrow night and will come back Sunday afternoon! This will be our 2nd annual trip to celebrate Greg's birthday.
I had actually surprised Greg with 2 nights away and we were supposed to be leaving at noon today, but work got in the way of that master plan. Boo.
This was Charleigh last year on the same weekend! Look at that little peanut. It will be interesting to see her reaction this year. There will be many pictures to come, plus stay tuned this weekend for her 15th and 16th month updates (finally!) I've had them written for some time and the pictures taken, just didn't have them uploaded. Slacking on the job!
Float on... 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy 28th to the boy!

There's nothing like a mini family party if you ask me. I think Greg agreed! We are heading to the beach early Saturday morning to really celebrate! Hope this is your best year yet love! Float on...

MDW 2013

 Memorial Day weekend was sweet... until we all got sick. Ha! But let's focus on the good part of the story. We did a lot of summer things you should do! We grilled out, did yard work, let Charleigh play in her little pool, went to a baseball game, and Charleigh finished her gymnastic classes.
 Charleigh feeding a bird her cereal.
Not sure who liked the foam pit more... Greg or Charleigh?
Beam work!
Greg telling Charleigh about baseball. Her first Nats game!
 Somebody got too tired.
O's vs. Nats! The O's won!
 The long weekend ended here for me. Bronchitis. Again.
Miss Charleigh had a double ear infection as well.  
 She's all better now.
  Float on...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Bye Bye Baby. Hello Little Girl.

Memorial Day and activites.

Happy Friday readers! Fridays are like icing on the cake, but a Friday with a 3 day weekend attached? That's like a ridiculously large slice of cake. Delicious!

I should first say thank you to all those who are serving, have served, and will serve in our nation's military. Memorial Day is about honoring those who have lost their lives protecting our freedom. It's a humbling day and it's hard to believe their is only one day to honor them. We should remember to be thankful everyday. Shout out to my godparents, who proudly served. Also shout out to their son Benny and his wife Sarah. Benny is in the United States Air Force and Sarah is his biggest supporter. Very proud of these folks.
Check out this babe!

Part of my family ; ) Katie, when will you ever admit that we are related? Admit it!
With the long weekend here, I wanted to do some cool stuff for Charleigh. She is busy these days. She loves to do... stuff! I want to keep her entertained, but want it to be something stimulating or educational. Sure Mickey Mouse Club is awesome now and again, and the iPad is a lot of fun for her, but we need old school stuff!

We've painted with pudding. I've blogged about that before and it was a blast. All I had to do was get a piece of poster board, a cup of pudding, and let her go to town. With a long weekend coming up I'm planning some fun activities ahead of time. I just found a Kool Aid play dough recipe from this blog! Is play dough educational? Just tell me yes.

Flour: 1 cup (you can add more or less to get right consistency)
Water: 1 cup
Corn Oil: 3 tbsp
Salt: 1/2 cup
Koolaid : 1 package
Directions... mix it! Duh.
I also bought a $10 kiddie pool. Now this is how you live the good life folks. Enjoy your Memorial Day and float on...