Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend update

Hola amigos and amigas! Can you believe we are already more than half way through with March?! Baseball season will be here soon! I'm calling it now... the Reds are going all the way!
Hope y'all had a great St. Patrick's Day! It is a tradition in our household to make Irish soda bread. It seems like every other year it's really good, and then every other year it stinks. I use the same recipe every year so I have no idea how it changes. This year it was a good year! I think that means we are going to be very!
We had a great weekend with Charleigh. She is at such a fun age. She is starting to say more words and can communicate with us. She is a feisty little thing. She understands the word "no" now. When we tell her, "No, no Charleigh," she will then tell us "no no!" Ha! We've got our work cut out for us ; )
She is starting to do better with her eating! Waffles and yogurt are still her favorite foods, but she finally started eating fruit this weekend. She seems to like strawberries and blueberries! I am so happy to have made some progress! Next up - vegetables.
We are moving in 12 days!!! My mom and Rod are coming to help us. (Thank you guys so much for doing this!) We are going from a 1-bedroom, 740-square-foot apartment to a 3 bedroom, 3 story house! I don't think we will even know what to do with all of that space. We are getting very excited!
Float on...

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