Monday, April 1, 2013

We survived the move!

Good morning. This won't be a long post, but I wanted to check in and say we survived the move!
We went from a tiny apartment to a cozy house. It's got 3 bedrooms and is 3 stories. It's strange... in a good way. It's strange to have stairs. It's strange to not share our living room with a pack-n-play and a sleeping Charleigh. It's strange to have a little yard with trees. It's strange to say, "I'm going down stairs." It's strange to not share a closet with my husband (hallelujah!) It's strange to have to go into the basement for something (I may or may not have had Greg go with me at night... it's scary down there yo! I've seen too many horror movies.) 
It's all a great thing and we are incredibly lucky. It also takes a little getting used to. It doesn't feel like home yet, but once painting is done and our wall hangings and pictures are up, it will get there. Tupelo is a scaredy cat. She has made it out from underneath the bed and ventured down to the living room, but not to the basement yet. For now, her food and litter will stay in our room so she feels safe, and then we will move it all downstairs in time.
Downstairs. As in another level. Wow. Still getting used to that!
Greg and Rod worked on painting last night. The living room was this in-your-face-orange color. Now coming from Tennessee I happen to love in-your-face-orange, but not on my living room wall. Once things are settled I will share way too many pictures! 

Also need to give a shout out today - happy birthday Dan! This is one of my favorite pictures of him and Greg. He was helping Greg get ready on our wedding day. It's just such a nice big brother thing to do. I'm glad the photographer captured this moment. Dan also inspired me to start blogging over 6 years ago! He blogged before blogging was cool.

Bring back Brew City Dan!

Float on...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new home and good luck settling in! We've been in our house 3 years now, and it has been the only time since I've been living at home that we've been somewhere for this long. Of course we started talking about moving, and considering the amount of stuff we've accumulated I'm not looking forward to it. But I guess we'll see what happens!

    And I was worried when I saw your old blog disappear, but I'm happy to see you're still blogging. I can only imagine how I'd feel if the same thing happened to me, and I guess it's another reason why I need to get started on printing the blog into a book
