Thursday, January 23, 2014

Charleigh turns 2.

Happy 2nd birthday Charleigh! Today we celebrate you with a lot of pictures!

You’ve only been on this earth for two years, but let me tell you little girl, you’ve been in my heart my whole life.

You were in my heart when your papa and I heard a song on the radio called “Charlie” for the first time and I made the promise that if I ever had a baby girl, her name would be just that!
So let's talk about what you're up to these days. You love Disney Princesses with a passion. Cinderella is still your favorite. Ariel is a close second. You love to color and watch movies. Your favorite movies (besides princess movies) are Lilo and Stich, Wall E, Up, and Alice in Wonderland. Stickers are always fun and you’ve recently discovered your love for painting. I always buy a sheet of poster board for you to paint on, but you rather enjoy painting your feet and hands… Yeah.
You moved up to the 2-year-old classroom early at daycare. You got moved up at only 1 year 7 months. You’ve done awesome. They keep telling us your very bright. Your vocabulary has taken off since you moved up. You can count to twenty. You know your ABCs. You can make full sentences. You have music Monday where a local music shops comes and bring instruments for your class and you sing. You have soccer Tuesdays in your gym at “school.” A local gymnastics place comes on Thursdays and sets down mats for the daycare to do tumbling. That is your favorite.
You take one nap a day between 1-3pm. You go to bed at 7pm and usually sleep until 6-7am. You have been a fantastic sleeper since 6 weeks and we can’t thank you enough for that. We moved you into a big girl bed early. You were only 1 year and 8 months. You've done very well with it.

You do Gymnastics every Saturday and you’ve recently done better at following instruction with minimal meltdowns. You typically take swim lessons in the Spring at the local YMCA. We hope you will enjoy the water!

We do timeouts. You have been known to hit and more recently, scream “no.” That’s fun. I have recently seen some behavior warning me that sharing is going to be something we have to work on. Shouting “no mine,” isn’t ladylike my little firecracker.

You crack me up. You give the best hugs and the silliest kisses. You say I love you too. Sometimes you’ll just walk up to me and say “I love you too, Mama.” You like to make your papa and I laugh. When you do something silly and we laugh, you do it again and again.
I now know more about Disney princesses than one should. I am a master time-out giver. My car is filled with Cheerios and my CD player with children's songs. I am constantly reminding you that ladies don't pick their noses and no, you can't eat stickers. Never a dull moment ; )
Thank you Charleigh for making our family whole. Thank you for being you.
Float on Charleigh, float on...

1 comment:

  1. Love love love!!Happy Happy Birthday Charleigh!! We love you!! :)
