Thursday, May 1, 2014

Today is the day

Today is the day! The excitement has set in. I somehow have to find a way to focus for the next 9 hours of work. I am packed. Charleigh is packed. Greg hasn't started.... Ha! That's true Greg fashion folks. He had to get a new suit for this wedding last week and that's been ready for pick up, but he has yet to pick it up... again, #truegregfashion I'm starting a new hastag trend with that one. He's planning to leave work a bit early to take care of these things so don't worry Gramma! I've picked up the essential road trip snacks - Chex Mix, granola bars, energy drinks for G, and mini mm&ms for sucessful potty attempts. Planning on hitting the road around 6ish. Charleigh goes to be between 7-8pm. She will drift off to sleep and we will cruise the night away! Hoping to get in by 2:30am. Woof. We haven't been back to Ohio/Kentucky since Thanksgiving and during that trip we didn't get to meet up with friends. I can't wait to see as many people as humanly possible in one weekend. I can't wait to see this little lady...
Float on...


  1. Hooray:) Can't wait to see you!!!!

  2. Jealous, so jealous! I wish we were packing the mini m&m's (traveling with a 2yr old or a 32yr old doesn't seem much different ;) to go see momma R!
