Monday, July 1, 2013

More from Mom's wedding weekend!

Let's start the wedding weekend pictures by all laughing at my brother Zach who got stuck in a tree.
He couldn't get down because he said there was too much pressure from people watching. There were 3 people watching. Ha!
Here is the bride to be! How cute is she?
The do!
That is MY mom!
Take a bride break for grandma duties.
My little family.
Bride and groom
Zach and Sylvie
So cute.
The new family.
The vows.
My daughter just taking it all in. LOL!

My godmother and my mom. They have been best friends for 30 years.

Attempting to take a family picture...
And again.
It will have to do : )
My mom and her new sister-in-law. Fun random fact - my sister-in-law has the same name as me. First and last name that is. My mom's new name is the same as her sister-in-laws maiden name.
Float on...

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