Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The one where I go on a jello rant.

Good morning folks. Happy Tuesday. (Ali, if you are reading, this picture is for you! Thanks for the awesome card in the mail) Tomorrow is our Friday. I hope most of you have the same work schedule this week. It's pretty crazy to have a 4 day weekend in July, especially when my company doesn't even give us the day after Thanksgiving off, but I am in no way complaining. I am going to take this extra random day off and run far, far away!

Just joking. I'm going to play with my kid and husband. Duh.

According to the Insurance Institute, 4th of July is the most deadly driving day on the highway of the year. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer here, but I wanted to remind you all to stay safe. Watch out for idiot drivers and if you are an idiot driver yourself, stop that nonsense! Just put the keys away and enjoy your red, white, and blue jello mold without driving.
Apparently this is how some people say happy birthday America. If someone gave you a red, white, and blue jello mold on your birthday would you be happy? No. Don't you think America deserves better?  *Paid for by the bloggers against Jello molds campaign.

There really is something about a jello mold that creeps me out. I had to just Google them to find that picture above. You want to see some more?
Maybe this is why jello molds are creepy. People think making brains out of them are fun. Gross.
Apparently America jello is popular...? Who would have thought. You could put it right next to your red, white, and blue jello.

Someone probably took hours to do this. Hours. On Jello. Who are you? (And can I have some of your free time?!)

Of course one could argue that I just spent some time blogging about jello.
Float on...

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand jello molds at all. I mean I can barely make it through an entire cup of jello let alone one of those molds. I wonder if Bill Cosby really likes Jello?
