Monday, July 8, 2013

Took a mini break!

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great 4th/long weekend. We did. I spent time with my husband and daughter and truly soaked it up. I watched Charleigh play with her babies. I watched her care for them by rocking them and patting them.
I watched my husband mow the lawn and swim in a pool with our little girl. She splashed and loved every minute of it. She is not scared of the water anymore.

I snuck away with my husband and went and saw some ridiculous zombie movie in a theater! Just the two of us! (World War Z for those who care) I then sat across from Greg and had a conversation with just him at California Pizza Kitchen.
I ate delicious hummus and pita and he had a big cobb salad and quesadilla. We shopped together. (He bought a bug zapper... ha) We held hands. And we then picked up Charleigh. It was just what we needed.

I feel like I really soaked up the minutes. Sometimes you get caught up in everyday life that you forget it's a gift you're given. I remembered to appreciate this gift over my mini break.
*Also this happened... HAHAHA! Greg said I couldn't get in it. I had to prove him wrong but got stuck and tipped over in the process.

It's a new week and I am recharged and ready to go. Let's do this! Float on...

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